Finding Your Learning Style

Have you ever been sitting a desk rereading your textbook, rewriting notes as 'study', but as that next test or exam comes rolling in, you find that you've learnt ... nothing?

All to often, students are not taught how to study and that everyone learns in different ways which a typical classroom does not accommodate to.

Everyone learns through a mix of learning techniques, however finding techniques that work to your strengths will increase your ability to learn.

There are 3 main learning styles:

  • Auditory
  • Visual
  • Kinesthetic


Auditory learners learn best through listening and sound. You are more likely to remember something if it has been spoken about rather than written. 

Auditory Learning Techniques:

Reading out loud

Record yourself reading your notes and listen back to them

Watch a video about the topic

Sit closer to the front of the classroom

Making a rhyme or song


Visual learners learn best through reading, pictures and diagrams. You are more likely to remember something if it is written down.

Visual Learning Techniques

Make a mindmap

Draw relevant doodles or pictures

Colour code things

Use diagrams and charts


Kinesthetic learners learn best through touching and doing. You are more likely to remember something if you have done it.

Kinesthetic Learning Techniques

Walking around while studying

Acting it out

Using flashcards

Building a model

Study outdoors

Most people learn through a variety of activities that cater to their learning style. It is not unusual to find that you are mix of learning styles rather than one or the other. There are many quizzes and tests you can do online to find your preferred learning style.

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