
Study With Jas Tutoring Workspace

The online course is available for face to face enrolled students for free or to purchase for non-enrolled students To enrol in tutoring sessions please login to the Teachable website below. Image 1. Student course dashboard Image 2. Index notation and prime numbers sample lesson

Improving Your Handwriting

Creating the most beautiful, aesthetic notes has become a trend and a hobby for many students but handwriting can hold you back if you don't think it looks good. Everyone has a unique handwriting style that should not be compared to others and should most importantly not make you feel ashamed. 1. Figure out your end result Brainstorm what you want your handwriting to look like. Italicised, cursive, calligraphy, bold? Find a few images that showcase your desired handwriting. 2. Find or make printables Everyone remembers those repetitive letter tracing worksheet from school. This time go on the internet and search for these letter tracing worksheets but in your desired handwriting. Some of my favourites include BohoBerry, Tiny Ray of Sunshine, Nicole Dawn and Papel & Co. If it is a font you already have on your computer, create your own worksheet with the alphabet and print it out. 3. Practice and Implement Complete these worksheets until you get the hang of it and gradually star...

Healthy Study Snacks

When you are studying, it is usual to feel hungry especially after a long day at school or college. Usually what happens next is you drop everything and go to your cupboard or fridge and pick the first thing you see (probably not the most healthy option). Instead, you should be refuelling yourself with foods that are healthy and do not cause burnout, who says healthy foods can't taste amazing too!  Here are a list of some of my favourite study snacks that will keep up your energy and are also super quick and easy to make. Nut butter and banana rice cakes Chia seed pudding Carrot and apple slices with hommus Trail mix Bagel with cottage cheese and blueberries Popcorn Avocado toast Smoothie

Creating Aesthetic Notes Using Microsoft Word

How to get your notes from this  to this Using a laptop can be easier and faster than handwriting all your notes especially when you're in class. Regular notes pages made on Word can look plain and boring so you can do a few things to make your notes more aesthetic. Changing fonts - you can download free fonts from a range of websites Highlighting - using pastel colours in draw tab Underlining - using pastel colours in draw tab Diagrams Music -

Apps for Students

The student life can be difficult for most students, so I have compiled a list of some of my favourite apps for students in a range of categories to help you thrive as a student. Learning Photomath Quizlet Khan Academy Grammarly Duolingo Note Taking Microsoft OneNote Evernote Canva Study Blue SimpleMind Productivity Google Calendar The Homework App My Student Life Easy Study Forest Focus Self Care Calm Headspace Plant Nanny 7-minute Workouts Habitica Finances Student Edge UNIDAYS Mint Spendee If there are any other apps you know that will be helpful to other students, comment them below.

Free Resources

Study With Jas Google Drive The google drive above will direct you to all of my resources including printables and wallpapers Weekly Planner  Study Schedule  July Calendar Phone and Desktop Background For use on desktop, set image as background centre and use the colour picker to fill in the outside

Finding Your Learning Style

Have you ever been sitting a desk rereading your textbook, rewriting notes as 'study', but as that next test or exam comes rolling in, you find that you've learnt ... nothing? All to often, students are not taught how to study and that everyone learns in different ways which a typical classroom does not accommodate to. Everyone learns through a mix of learning techniques, however finding techniques that work to your strengths will increase your ability to learn. There are 3 main learning styles: Auditory Visual Kinesthetic Auditory Auditory learners learn best through listening and sound. You are more likely to remember something if it has been spoken about rather than written.  Auditory Learning Techniques: Reading out loud Record yourself reading your notes and listen back to them Watch a video about the topic Sit closer to the front of the classroom Making a rhyme or song Visual Visual learners learn best through reading, pictures and diagrams. You are more likely to rem...